Publications – 2007

2007 » Provincial/Regional Publications
[Canadian & International publications listed below]

BC Progress Board’s 7th annual benchmark report
December 2007

Report on 2008 Budget Consultations
BC’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
November 2007

Child Care in the Cowichan Valley Region report
Cowichan Social Planning
October 2007

Towards a More Democratic and Credible BC Budget
Submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, BC Budget 2008 Consultation
Seth Klein, BC Director and Marc Lee, Senior Economist, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
September 2007

Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s Leaders: Child Care Needs on the North Shore
Compiled by Denise Buote, Ph.D., Arbor Educational and Clinical Consulting Inc.
June 2007

First Call: A Summary of One Time Funding Grants from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Ministry of Education, 2006/2007
June 2007

BC Lags World Leaders, Leads Northwest: Province shines in energy and health, stalls in economic security
Sightline Institute
June 2007

Who Gets What from the 2007 BC Tax Cut?
Stuart Murray, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
May 2007

BC Solutions Budget 2007
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
February 2007


2007 » Canadian Publications

Trends & Analysis 2007: Early childhood education and care in Canada 2006
Martha Friendly, Jane Beach, Carolyn Ferns, and Michelle Turiano
December 2007

Ensuring the Best Start in Life: Targeting vs. Universality in Early Childhood Development
[ Summary / Study ]

Gillian Doherty, Institute for Research on Public Policy
December 2007

Low paid work still widespread in Canada
November 2007

Making the Connections: Using Public Reporting to Track the Progress on Child Care Services in Canada
Lynell Anderson and Tammy Findlay, Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada
November 2007

Environment Plays Key Role In Children’s Readiness For School
Science Daily
November 2007

Families: A Canadian Profile
Stats & Facts, Canadian Council on Social Development
November 2007

Early learning and child care – It’s time
July 2007

How Canada Performs: A Report Card on Canada
The Conference Board of Canada
June 2007

The Feds Are Widening, Not Closing, the Prosperity Gap
David Hay, CPRN
May 2007

Final report: An Economic Perspective on the Current and Future Role of Nonprofit provision of Early Learning and Child Care Services in Canada
Dr. Gordon Cleveland
March 2007

Measuring Up: Family Benefits in British Columbia and Alberta in International Perspective
Institute for Research on Public Policy
March 2007


2007 » International Publications

Babies and Bosses, Reconciling Work and Family Life
November 2007