Author Archives: admin
Day care centre for young parents gets cash infusion: Province announces this week it is increasing funding for the non-profit organization
Kelowna Women’s Resource Centre working hard to reopen
Cash boost to help parents’ schooling — Increase follows cut that shut down child care centre
Farnworth focuses on child poverty
Liberal leadership candidate plans remain a mystery
New child-care centre opens in Burnaby
City approves grants for child-care centres
Abbott Breaks from Lib Pack, Pledges Child Poverty Consult: Baby deaths report shakes up leadership race after scant focus on BC’s impoverished.
Poverty at play in 21 child deaths: report: B.C.’s independent children’s representative Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond is calling on the province to do more to fight child poverty.
Liberals will focus on the needs of families: Ignatieff; Leader says party plans to target everyday troubles Canadians face
Corporate tax cuts hurt our society
Racetrack daycare enters starting gate: Hastings Racecourse employees get first dibs
Kwan tells Liberals to “step up to the plate” for B.C.’s poor children
Gap between rich and rest puts society at risk
Victoria School Kids Get $200, Surrey’s Only $58; BC’s largest school district receives some of the lowest funding for its vulnerable children, and Surrey wants a fair deal.
New Westminster councillors could be reimbursed for child care
BC Progress Board Tenth Annual Report
Progress Board reports show Liberal record barely average
Paul Willcocks, Feb 17, 2011
Two things should stand out. First, on the board’s economy, innovation and education indicators, the province improved in six measures, went backward on seven and stayed the same on three.
It is a middling performance. A little worse than other provinces, but basically simply average…. B.C. went backward on three other social and health measures. It has fallen from the sixth-worst province for poverty to last. Infant health, as measured by low birth weight, has gone from second to fifth place.
Edleun Inc.: aggressive pursuit of profits in Canadian child care
Canada’s first big-box child care corporation
Edleun Group Inc. is Canada’s first publicly traded child care corporation, which began trading on the TSX Venture Exchange in May 2010.
Quality, access and financing in for-profit child care have long been a concern in Canadian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). But until now, most Canadian child care businesses have remained relatively small, privately-owned operations. During the past ten or fifteen years, ECEC in other countries (Australia, the US and the UK) has become dominated by corporate big box child care operations with the capacity for aggressive growth.
These child care operations provide graphic illustrations of issues, which arise when large corporate child care businesses play a dominant role….
What we’ve learned
No jurisdiction in which child care is treated as a private business has a track record of equitable access or high quality while the countries in which early childhood education and care is widely accessible and meets benchmarks for quality are those that have adopted public management, public funding and public/not-for-profit operation as fundamental. Canada can learn much from comparative policy analysis about other jurisdictions’ negative experiences with big-box corporate child care. And there is substantial information about the public, not-for-profit options that benefit children and families, not shareholders.
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