City approves grants for child-care centres

Theresa McManus, The [New Westminster] Record

Parking revenues are being used to fund a grant program aimed at helping child-care centres improve their operations.

This year marks the first time that the City of New Westminster is giving out child-care grants. A total of $38,300 is being given out to seven centres in 2011.

“The child-care grant program derives its funding from Sunday parking meter revenues,” said a staff report. “The program is designed to assist child- care facilities to provide quality care that is accessible and affordable, to meet licensing requirements, and to remain operational. By assisting existing child-care operators, this is building a solid foundation in which to add new child-care spaces. This child care enables parents to work and to contribute to the local economy and is a major factor in the location and relocation decisions of both families and businesses.”…

The grants will be used to address deficiencies or health and safety concerns, help address the needs of children and youth with disabilities and special needs, replace worn out furnishings, improve outdoor play equipment and buy equipment for parent and community education sessions.

In January 2010, council agreed to establish a childcare grant program that would be funded by Sunday parking meter revenues. A $40,000 budget was established, in order to allow the city to provide for up to eight child-care grants of $5,000….