Where to go for daycare?

Jennifer McFee, Coquitlam Now

Do Port Moody families need more daycare options? For Coun. Rick Glumac, the answer is yes.

Glumac has proposed a zoning bylaw amendment that would allow more flexibility to establish new commercial daycares in the city….

We are the community with the highest growth rate in the region and we are a magnet for young families, and yet we have the most restrictive zoning for daycare.”

Glumac said it’s time to modernize the zoning bylaw….

“Port Moody is a much different community now than when this zoning was first set up and I believe it is now time to support the young families that are now calling Port Moody home,” he told council…

Mayor Mike Clay encouraged residents to let council know about these types of challenges.

“In the six years that I’ve been on council, nobody has come down to us and said ‘I’m trying to open a daycare and finding it incredibly difficult.’ – It would be nice if there are all these challenges going on out there that people would come and see us,” Clay said. “The doors are always open and as you can see, we’re usually amenable to looking at these things.”

Council voted unanimously to have staff prepare a report on the issue for further consideration.