Sharon Gregson not seeking reelection to Vancouver school board

Carlito Pablo, Georgia Straight

… Sharon Gregson told the Straight in a phone interview that she is not going for another term on the school board. …

Gregson said that she will focus instead on the field of early childhood education and care.

“I have heard in the last week that the Ministry of Children and Family Development and the Ministry of Education are putting forward a proposal to cabinet to fund some kind of model of junior kindergarten starting with four-year-olds in 2012,” she said. “And so I think there is a lot of work to do in the early care and learning community to make sure that the needs of working parents are taken care of. And that we don’t focus too much on two hours of early learning and that we think about the needs of families and working parents. So I will be busier than ever working in the early care and learning community.” ….