North Vancouver city council unanimously supports federal provincial child care agreements

North Vancouver City Council Meeting

Continuation of Federal/Provincial Child Care Agreements
Submitted by Councillor S.A. Schechter
Moved by Councillor Schechter, seconded by Councillor Keating

WHEREAS the Provincial Government’s February 14, 2006, Throne Speech noted that “the best way to assure our children lead healthy lives is to give them a strong start in life”;

WHEREAS the creation of a Provincial Childcare System as part of a National Childcare Program cannot be delayed because working families need this support for their children;

WHEREAS the government has been silent on Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to cancel the National Childcare Program which would provide BC with $633 million over the next 5 years for regulated childcare for children under the age of 6; and

WHEREAS other provinces are insisting that Ottawa live up to the terms of the agreements they signed under the existing program;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of North Vancouver call on Premier Gordon Campbell and the Provincial Government to:

• Insist that Ottawa live up to its full five-year funding commitment under the existing childcare agreement;

• Release an action plan for childcare as set out in the agreement and promised by the Provincial Government last fall; and

• Use this money to move away from the current user fee childcare system to a publicly-funded childcare system that creates a quality, stable space for every child; is affordable for all; meets the needs of working and studying families; and provides caregivers with fair incomes and the respect they deserve.