Kaatza Child Care Society keeps its head above water: Budgetary constraints have the Kaatza Child Care Society fund-raising, as always.

Tyler Clarke, Lake Cowichan Gazette

Budgetary constraints have the Kaatza Child Care Society fund-raising, as always.

“We’re doing alright, but we have to continue to fund-raise to keep our head above water,” Kaatza Child Care head supervisor Wendy Fetchko said.

This fund-raising is necessary to keep child care fees as low as possible, she added.

… Fund-raisers in the near future will involve a fashion show and a silent auction.

Volunteers will also be setting up shop at the … Grocer, Saturday ….as part of their ongoing effort to sell raffle tickets for a cruise.

If volunteers are able to sell all available tickets, the society will raise $4,000.

The society is also collecting till tapes from …Grocer, as the grocery store is donating a percentage of sales….