Daycare providers split on merits of funding: Operators wish grant was more than a one-time thing

Robert Barron, The Daily News (Nanaimo)

Receiving $45 for each child in her two Nanaimo daycare centres as part of a government grant is great news for NH…

D H said she lost about 10 children spaces from … centres when full-day kindergarten was implemented in half of the elementary schools in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith school district this year, and expects to lose more in the fall.

She said her daycares have been “really impacted” by the loss of business and appreciates the government’s funding, but she said it would be better if the funding was continuous and not just a one-time grant.

Meanwhile, J P, owner of … Home daycare, said she’s “frustrated” that she’s ineligible to receive any of the funding.

She said Just Like Home is a categorized as a “family” daycare so she won’t receive any of the money, which is specifically geared toward larger group family day cares.

“It’s really unfair,” she said. “It seems that if you operate your day care off your property, you’re eligible for everything.”….