Community wants an early learning centre

Tyler Clarke, Lake Cowichan Gazette

An early learning centre is the partner Cowichan Lake area residents would most like involved with the construction of a proposed new elementary school in the Town of Lake Cowichan.

An early learning centre is followed, in order, by a youth centre, adult education, sports and recreation, multi-purpose space, community garden, and performing arts.

These, and additional findings, are the result of months’ worth of consultation dating back to the fall of last year…

A neighbourhood of learning model, in a nutshell, is the centralization of community services….

“It’s additional dollars to build additional infrastructure,” Plester said. “It’s about new space, and more space.”…

In closing, Plester passed the results on to mayor and council  for them to decide what to do with.

“I think this report provides a new conversation on this topic,” she said. “I think there’s data for decision-makers to make the next step.”

Mayor Ross Forrest informed his fellow elected officials that a meeting with town officials and the school board has been struck, to take place early next month.

“This is obviously the topic that we’ll be discussing with them,” Forrest said. “We want to get it rolling.”….