Census forms are shorter, but still mandatory

Andrew Fleming, Burnaby Now

Census communications manager Peter Liang wants to remind Canadians that it’s still necessary to fill out the census forms they’ve just received in the mail. … “The census remains mandatory,” said Liang. “What has changed is the long-form census has been replaced by the new voluntary National Household Survey.”…

The new “short form” questionnaires contain just 10 basic questions …

“By law, every household in Canada must complete that one,” explained Liang. “Four weeks after the census, one in three households will be asked to participate in the new voluntary National Household Survey. That one has replaced the previous long form.”…

“This is really the only chance we have in the next five years to gather valuable information communities need to make informed decisions. It is critical when it comes to transfer payments, for planning schools, senior services and it is important for democracy because the 2011 census count will be used to determine the number of seats that every province will have in the next House of Commons.”…

This year’s census has a few new questions, including asking about carpooling, daily commute times, child-care expenses and spousal support….