BC Government’s Early Learning and Child Care Consultation


According to information on the MCFD web site, “Throughout November, the provincial government is conducting a public consultation facilitated by the Ministries of Children and Family Development and Education.”

The info on the MCFD web site states that they are:
“… seeking input on government’s priorities for early learning and child care. The results of this consultation process will help create a detailed action plan for early learning and child care in BC, including spending decisions in years two to five of the [federal/provincial] Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.”

Click on to: http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/childcare/consult.htm

They say there are two ways to provide feedback:

– via an on-line feedback form

– via a community consultation session (eight “community consultation sessions” are listed but limited info about these sessions is available on line.)

And they note a third: if you wish to provide “written feedback and comments” you can send them to the Child Care policy Branch (see page 9 of their Consultation paper for the mailing address).

If you are interested in the Legislature’s Hansard transcript for Wednesday November 2 and what was said about the Child Care estimates, the “public consultation” etc. click on to http://www.leg.bc.ca/hansard/8-8.htm
Click on November 2 and scroll down until you see [Page 1570] and D. Thorne and Hon. L. Reid.