Are you struggling with daycare payments? One childcare advocate wants a ‘$10 a Day’ system

Joanne Abshire, NEWS1130

It’s a common scenario parents go through every month, paying as much for childcare as you would for housing.

Sharon Gregson with the Coalition of Child Care Advocates BC says this problem is growing and that’s why she wants the province to put a system in place.

“There’s no reason that we should have massive user fees for childcare, it needs to be an extension of our public system with a small user fee of $10 a day,” argues Gregson. “It’s been costed out through UBC, $7 a day for part-time care and free for families who earn less than $40,000 a year.”

She says similar programs work in Quebec and P.E.I….

Gregson supports those parents and understands how tough it is for working families. “Right now in BC, childcare becomes available if you’re very wealthy or very lucky.”

She believes childcare will be a hot topic in the next provincial election.

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