Homelessness, poverty and harm reduction in Victoria the top issues for federal byelection candidates at forum

Katherine Dedyna, Times Colonist

Homelessness, poverty and harm-reduction issues were centre stage as five byelection candidates squared off Wednesday over how they would advocate for marginalized Victorians…

NDP candidate Murray Rankin said he is “absolutely appalled” by Ottawa’s lack of commitment to a national poverty-reduction act. …

Liberal candidate Paul Summerville …“If we waste a billion dollars with no benefit, it will make the public less willing to sacrifice for the public good, including poverty,” he said.

Rankin said he would never forget a tearful Vic West woman unable to take a job because she could not find suitable child care — another national policy long overdue, he said. “I will fight for that,” he said.

Christian Heritage candidate Philip Ney advocated that parents be paid to do the caring. “Intuitively, they understand the child better [than care providers].”

When Conservative candidate Dale Gann said it was “appalling” how much parents — even those who are doing well — struggle with childcare, a member of the audience yelled: “Tell that to your government.”…