Daycare difficult for parents

Amaka Osuagwu, The [New Westminster] Record

Dear Editor:

I’m a frequent reader of your newspaper and have recently followed the trend of events in New Westminster.

I have come to find out from a number of immigrants whom I have interviewed that there is a lot of difficulties faced by parents who newly arrive in New Westminster with the hope of securing a space for their children in a daycare.

It takes an average of six months to one year, and it is almost impossible to get a place immediately. Not only that, when you get one, the prices are way too expensive compared to other cities like Surrey and Burnaby.

Parents can no longer keep silent over this issue as the economy right now is really difficult and the subsidy amount allocated by the ministry for child care is still the same and has not yet been increased….

Or do we simply want to go on pretending that it does not really matter when we know it does?