Two of the most critical components are completely absent in B.C.

Dianne Goldberg; [Sunshine] Coast Reporter


Re: Support exists for vulnerable kids (Coast Reporter, April 15).

I have no doubt that there is a patchwork of programs on the Coast and some very dedicated staff working hard with existing resources to support some vulnerable children.

However, two of the most critical components are completely absent in B.C.

Until we have the political will and get going with an effective B.C. poverty reduction plan and commit adequate funding to build and sustain a quality and affordable child care system that is universal for children from infants to 12-year-olds, we will only see more of the same and hear more and more about vulnerable children in our communities.

So when I go to vote federally, it will be foremost on my mind. I will seriously ask which candidate and party will get on with legislation, funding and immediate targets and timelines with the provinces/territories in ways that will truly make a difference for all children and families.

And the Conservative party’s Universal Child Care Allowance isn’t even at the starting line on this one!