District officials have daycare questions; School property can be made available

Robert Barron, Nanaimo Daily News

School officials in Nanaimo think that a proposed provincial amendment to the School Act that stipulates that district property be made available to licensed daycares when not in use for academic or extra-curricular purposes has merit.

But Elizabeth Pennell, the early learning co-ordinator for the Nanaimo-Ladysmith school district, said there are still lots of questions to be answered on the issue before the proposed amendment can be properly assessed.

District spokeswoman Donna Reimer said staff have already been tasked to prepare a report on expanding daycare facilities in local schools and she expects that the ministry’s proposal will be included in the final report, expected later this year….

“The costs of day care for many families are sometimes the same as a house mortgage so, on the first blush, this seems to be a great idea,” Pennell said.

“Any opportunity to address this issue is good, but it’s not clear just what the government expects from the school boards, including who will pay for it.”