Caring for children isn't optional
Tom Kertes
September 12, 2010 

…. Children depend on the community coming together to make sure that every child's needs are fully supported. Moreover, it's everyone's responsibility to pass on a viable future to the next generation, an obligation that can never be put off for a later date.

Adequate child care and education programs, offered in all shapes and sizes, benefit everyone in the community, not just today's children and their families. Putting the well-documented future economic benefits of early education and quality child care aside, the real benefits of taking care of our children happen in the present. Just like with the promise of universal health insurance for all Canadians, when families know that child care supports will be there in time of need there's no need to worry changed economic or personal circumstances stopping you from providing the care your child or children require. When we support each other by supporting all families and children, we strengthen our communities and bring more people into community life. Everyone benefits because supporting the next generation is everyone's responsibility, even with families squarely at the centre of raising their own child or children.

As any parent can attest to, caring for children is work and, once there is a child to care for, isn't a choice. In order to survive, children require more than adequate food, clothing and housing. Children also require ample love and nurturance, educational opportunity, and social, emotional and cultural support. As a community we depend on the work of caring parents and other primary care providers, who do the bulk of child care and education work in British Columbia. Without this work, children's needs would go unmet and our society would falter. The challenges of balancing the heavy workload of child care with the rest of family life, including time at paid work, time in commute, and time contributing to the cultural life of the community are too often overlooked….

We all benefit when children's needs are met, families are supported, and everyone is included in the social and economic life of the province.