Kindergarten options great
Surrey Now
June 18 2010
By: Marion Normand, Surrey

The Editor,

Re: "Full-day kindergarten? No thanks," the Now, June 15.

I may not be jumping for joy, however I am certainly onboard for the new option of full-day kindergarten.

My husband and I are both full-time working parents.

I believe the provincial government has done a disservice to parents by not improving the overcrowded classrooms in our school systems along with our child-care problems.

However, I do believe the provincial government has made improvements in these areas.

My youngest just turned five this month and will be starting full-day kindergarten in September.

My child is more than ready and has been for a year or so now….

I am 100 per cent positive I made the right choice enrolling my child into full-day kindergarten.

If by chance my child is more ready for play than learning and school becomes overwhelming or too long of a day, I have the option to switch my child back to half-day kindergarten classes.

I say thank you to full-day kindergarten. For those who don't like it, you have the choice to say "no thanks."