Slicing and dicing
The Citizen
March 26, 2010

School funding has gone wacky.

Why would the province spearhead a movement towards full-day Kindergarten, then fail to provide the funding to implement it?

At this point, parents have already signed their kids up and made plans based on the hours kids are supposed to be in school.

It's patently ridiculous to, at the eleventh hour, say the funding will have to come out of existing operating budgets.

Even without the costs of full-day K factored in, school districts across the province were making headlines as they struggled with multi-million dollar shortfalls.

So what do they cut to fit in this new program?

They're already facing a terrible, unenviable decision over what "non-essential" services to cut as it is.

Will it be busing? Will it be help for kids who are struggling? Classroom supplies?

It's well-known to anyone who knows a teacher that these dedicated folks already scrounge around for supplies, along with buying classroom supplies out of their own pockets.

Will they now be telling teachers to bring their own chalk? Paper? Textbooks?

We were also stunned to hear that administration will not have to cut at all, as they are considered "core." That will certainly cause some controversy as the slicing and dicing continues.

One thing is clear. There is a disconnect between the Ministry and the district that must be addressed.