Canadian gender gap for pay higher than OECD average
March 8, 2010

Canadian men on average get paid more than 20% more than their female colleagues, giving the country one of the highest gender gaps among the 30 OECD nations.

Only Korea, Japan and Germany rank higher than Canada in paying men more than women. Canada is in fourth place along with the United Kingdom, according to Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development statistics.

On average, men’s wages across the OECD are 18% higher than those of women, the organization said.

“Despite many improvements in women’s employment outcomes, there are still many gender gaps that need to be addressed,” the Paris-based OECD said in a report released on International Women’s Day….

It also favours more investment in childcare so the high costs do not prove a barrier to women returning to work, as well as more flexible working practices.