Child care society ready to operate new Ucluelet daycare
Stefania Seccia
Westerly News
February 11, 2010

The Ucluelet & Area Child Care Society says it will operate the daycare in the new Ucluelet Community Centre ….

The child care society is currently drawing up a business plan to present to the WCCRS this week. The hope is to use an already-existing society that has the infrastructure to do payroll and bookkeeping, Hogan said.

"As a not-for-profit with volunteer parents we don't want to do it all last minute," Hogan said. "It's a good fit for their organization so we're presenting them with our business plan so they can make an informed decision."….

But hiring a person with an Early Childhood Education (ECE) is turning out to be a challenge.

Kim Clark, of the UACCS, spoke to council on Tuesday night asking for a $1 annual lease for the daycare space at the community centre and shared how difficult it has been so far to find a qualified person….

… The UACCS partnered with the District of Ucluelet in 2007 by financing $110,000 to receive the $390,000 Towns for Tomorrow grant from the province….