Full-time kindergarten set for fall
February 11, 2010
Lorne Eckersley
Creston Valley Advance

A full-time kindergarten program will be offered in Creston and Yahk elementary schools next fall, School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Supt. Pat Dooley announced last week.

“(We) have just received notice from the Ministry of Education that they will be providing funding for 204 spaces to implement full day kindergarten (FDK) in September 2010,” she said….

“Kindergarten has been and will continue to be an optional program,” she said. “Students enrolled in schools with FDK will be expected to attend school all day for five days per week.”…

Adam Robertson Elementary School principal Rod Giles said yesterday that the move is a positive one but could bring with it some space challenges.

“We don’t know if we’ll have an extra classroom yet, but our projection is enrolment will be down a bit next year,” he said. “If it doesn’t drop we will have to use our music room to add a second kindergarten class.”….

A one-time grant will be available to furnish the room with necessary items….