B.C. earns yet another dubious distinction
By Matt Pearce
27 November 2009

Congratulations citizens of British Columbia. Once again, for the sixth year in a row, we lead Canada in the rate of child poverty. This dubious ranking is based on 2007 statistics and given the economic decline that began in the fall of 2008 we stand an excellent chance of keeping that title for a few more years yet. Why should we be concerned about this particular piece of data?

More than anything else that might be measured it speaks to the future prospects of all of us. These children consistently experience lower rates of school success, higher rates of participation in the justice system and lower health outcomes. In short, many of the children who will take care of our province in the future will not be equipped to do the job. Why is it the fault of citizens and not government?

We have elected the same crew of people who have never bothered to enact a child poverty plan and in fact have refused to meet with B.C.'s child advocate. They have chosen on our behalf to devote our resources to short term goals at the expense of our children and our future. If we want to shake our title we need to change our leadership to someone who will look further down the road than our current leaders.