Monday Magazine
Sep 29 2009

Redistribute our wealth

Re: "Bridging the Distance," Sept. 17-23

If Gordon Campbell and his Liberal gang are so insistent on applying the funding cuts in as widespread a manner as possible-they've so far managed to anger just about everybody-then I would expect them to soon begin making laws to ensure that the wealth of our province is equally shared as well.

Brian Mason, Victoria

There's so much nonsense flying around all three levels of government right now that this one, shockingly, slipped by without notice: When A Channel recently did a story about housing and social development minister Rich Coleman cutting the school lunch program, he said on camera that it wasn't government's responsibility to deal with this "charity work."

Really, Rich, that's simply too rich.

Since when is feeding our children charity work? Isn't that the very essence of family, society and decent government? Have we descended so low on the free-market flag pole that we now consider this most important job (of any job out there!) - making sure our children are not hungry - to be charity?

Coleman can casually dismiss this issue as charity, but we will remember this selfish arrogance and, come the next election, we will make him eat his words.

Kenji Fuse, Saanich