School district eyes full-day kindergarten
Victoria News
Sep 1 2009 
By: Erin Cardone

The Greater Victoria board of education hopes the province instates its proposed all-day kindergarten sooner rather than later, but only if there's the funding to go with it.

"The idea of all-day kindergarten is a positive idea and it's very doable," said Tom Ferris, education board chair.

"If there's a fly in the ointment, it would be the funding. One has to assume it would be funded adequately, but you never know."

School District 61 is looking at running a $5-million deficit this school year, Ferris said, and wouldn't be able to handle the cost of extra instruction hours, books and toys needed for all-day kindergarten programs….

The province offers a per-pupil grant to school divisions - the average per student is $8,200. MacDiarmid wouldn't say whether the amount would increase to fund all-day kindergarten. She added revenue from the harmonized sales tax would help fund the program.

Ferris said the new kindergarten plan would make life easier on working parents, eliminating the need for half-day day care. It would also better prepare young children for the social challenges of Grade 1….