All-day kindergarten coming for 5-year-olds
August 26, 2009
CBC News

The B.C. government had some good news on Tuesday for parents of young children — it will start funding all-day kindergarten for five-year-olds starting in September 2010.

…. B.C. NDP Leader Carole James said the delay until next year is typical of the Liberal government.

"We saw all-day kindergarten, which they broke as a promise last year, so I see some recycled broken promises," said James on Tuesday, as she commented on the throne speech.

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec already offer all-day kindergarten for five-year-olds, while Ontario offers junior kindergarten for kids who are four.

Charles Ungerleider, a professor of the sociology of education at UBC, said the program makes good sense.

"It's good social policy — helping youngsters to get off to a good start with their education is very important and it has returns for those individuals for their parents and the larger community," said Ungerleider….