Song remains the same
By Alex G. Tsakumis
August 20, 2009

After calling for the resignation of Premier Campbell last week, I have been deluged with notes from readers….

But here's what I found most interesting: Not one arguing against my point that it's time for Gordon Campbell to go away. In fact, the news for the beleaguered Premier is not at all good. At least half of the notes were from "Liberal" supporters that, in their incredible anger, swore they would never vote for the party again, unless the leader was completely different from any of the current crew on the government bench.

They feel very betrayed, and as well they should…

Instead, who does the premier knock to the mat? Kids in childcare, and the elderly. Read on.

The deep cuts to the funding of the capital grants, which childcare centres use for upgrades to their facilities, literally guarantees that any shortfall position will have to be passed on to the parents, by way of increasing their fees. Think about it: Mostly young couples and single moms, who either go to school or work, are being further burdened so that the ski jump and the luge track look shiny and pristine. In 2008, a Lower Mainland family with a four-year-old in childcare and a seven-year-old in after-school care paid a whopping $12,000.

Is the Premier bothered?

Don't ask the White Rock/Surrey Come Share Society. Thanks to the mindless cuts by the Fraser Health Authority, they're on life support and right in the backyard of Health Minister Kevin Falcon. These fine folks are an integral part of the caring for many of the elderly in that community who cannot entirely care for themselves. ….

So let me repeat last week's chorus: Gordon Campbell is a disgrace and is unworthy as premier. He should resign.