Our children’s needs are greater
Peace Arch News
June 04, 2009
By: Antoinette Sabatini Warren, Surrey

An open letter to Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation board.

There is a development proposal to destroy the P.. C… daycare situated at 15562 17 Ave. in favour of additional hospital staff parking spaces.

Forty-eight families, including mine, use Primary Colours as our daycare and have done so for many years. By destroying this daycare, you are leaving 48 families out in the cold for childcare in September 2009.

If you have young children, you will indeed be aware of the childcare situation in the South Surrey/White Rock area – it is not good. In fact, it is dismal.

There is no way any of us will be able to get childcare in time for the fall as most childcare centres are full and have long waitlists already….

Couldn’t you please extend our lease at least for a couple more years? There is an existing hospital parking lot at the corner …that is never full at any time of the day.

We, as families, cannot see that the need for staff hospital parking spots is greater than the need for our children to be taken care of while we work.

Have you also thought about the staff who will be displaced from their jobs? These people are wonderful at their jobs and have given our children the care and teaching every young child deserves.

Please reconsider your decision and allow us families to remain where we are.