Green power energizes youth: Trees help children grow.
May 22, 2009

Hosted by the Greater Victoria Regional Child Care Council, Centennial Square will be covered with trees May 30, as a part of Trees for Tomorrow’s Children.

“Our goal is to help children understand the importance of naturalizing our urban environments and caring for our trees," says Stephanie Gabel, the event's co-coordinator.

The display trees will later be planted in early childhood outdoor spaces in Victoria, Esquimalt, View Royal, Langford and the Songhees and Tsawout Nations…

“We are inviting children, families, and the general public to imagine ways their neighbourhoods could be made more child and environmentally friendly and then attach their ideas and messages to the trees. This information will be collated and shared across the region,” says Enid Elliot, chair of the Greater Victoria Regional Child Care Council.