Broadcast from Carol James, BC NDP leader
May 4, 2009

While BC is one of the wealthiest provinces in Canada, under Gordon Campbell, BC has had the highest rate of child poverty for five years now. One in five children live in poverty.

His inexcusable neglect is felt every day by thousands of children living in poverty. And every day they fall further behind.

Unlike Gordon Campbell, I'm not going to abandon these kids. Not when there are solutions that can be provided.

While Gordon Campbell wastes hundreds of millions on mismanaged pet projects like the Vancouver Convention Centre overruns, I will:

  • establish high quality, affordable child care,
  • increase support for families so children don't go to school hungry,
  • immediately increase the minimum wage by 25%,
  • invest in local infrastructure, boosting skills training and making post-secondary education more affordable to give new opportunities to struggling families and their children.