B.C. student group claims Liberal platform exaggerates funding
Georgia Straight
By Helen Halbert
April 17, 2009

The Canadian Federation of Students-British Columbia, an organization representing 150,000 postsecondary students across the province, says Premier Gordon Campbell isn’t telling the truth about education funding in his party’s platform.

In a press release issued today (April 17), CFS-B.C. accused the Liberals of releasing a “fudge-it platform” that exaggerates the government’s contributions to postsecondary funding since 2001.

The student group has previously noted that the B.C. Liberals deregulated tuition fees and decreased student grants.

CFS-B.C. claims that Campbell’s platform “exaggerates university and college funding by more than $2.5 billion”.

The platform outlines postsecondary funding progress made under Campbell’s government, but CFS-B.C. argues that the numbers are wrong because the figures include revenue from tuition-fee hikes, contributions from the federal government, and an increase in the minister of advanced education’s salary in 2007….

 “The Premier is taking credit for the huge sacrifices he’s forced B.C. families to make. That is simply beyond the pale.”…