Apres in Action knows what’s hot
By Jesse Ferreras
PIQUE Newsmagazine

Whistlerites are being invited to "Apres in Action" this afternoon, an event where townspeople can converse about the biggest topics facing the resort town.

The April 2 event is being put on by Whistler 2020, which has collected results from more than 200 online survey responses polling what's hot in Whistler. Now they know - and they want to kick up some active discussion and seek recommendations for action in the future.

The three top survey topics are as follows:

• The Costs of Life - What are the benefits to a life in Whistler? What are its drawbacks? This topic focuses on affordable housing and all other things one needs to maintain a high-quality life in Whistler.

• Childcare/Daycare - forever a hot topic in Whistler. It has municipal councillors storming out of meetings. Is there enough childcare in Whistler? What can be done to take care of Whistler's children?…