Child care solution in sight for Gilpin parents
By Grant Granger
March 20, 2009

Parents at Gilpin elementary are hopeful they are on the verge of getting the go-ahead to a solution to their out-of-school child care dilemma.

Ever since a nearby day care centre dropped its out-of-school service more than two years ago, parents have been scrambling. Many have had to cut back on their work hours or come up with creative solutions.

This week, however, South Burnaby Neighbourhood House agreed to run the program and all that’s needed is Burnaby board of education approval of a temporary solution until the parents are able to raise money to buy portables to house the program.

“I’m trying not to get too excited,” said Simone Gouveia, one of the parents spearheading the drive to find a solution.

“I don’t want to get overconfident because I don’t want to be crushed and get all overexcited and get everyone’s hopes up.”

Gilpin is one of three schools in Burnaby without before- and after-school daycare. The others are Buckingham and Lakeview.

The Gilpin group went to the board of education in November looking for help. Trustees told parents they weren’t in the business of providing day care, but would work with them on a solution.

“It’s really not a school district issue,” said trustee Larry Hayes, chair of the building and grounds committee. “You want to help, but only to a certain extent.”

Gouveia said the administration at Gilpin has agreed to allow access to a multi-purpose room before and after school hours—but not during—for two years. By that time Gouveia believes parents, with SBNH’s help, will be able to raise enough money to buy two modular units to house the program on the school site by the 2011-12 school year.

“We needed something short term to be able to pursue the long term. It was a catch-22,” said Gouveia….

“We have faith in what South Burnaby Neighbourhood House can do, but now is not the greatest time for fundraising, although they sure know where to go for the (grant) money,” said Hayes.

Hayes warned there are still a few hurdles to be cleared. … Gouveia said she and the five other parents on the committee work well together … and will do everything they can to help SBNH to get the licence.

“We really need this for September.” ….