Closing schools: majority rules
Cariboo Press - 100 Mile House Free Press
February 3, 2009
By: Carole Rooney

It appears the villages of Clinton and Ashcroft are both about to lose an elementary school.

There are currently two pending school closures, Clinton Elementary and Venables Valley in Ashcroft, that are primarily due to dwindling student enrolments…

Nevertheless, Dyck says she and many of the parents she has spoken with are concerned that the funding be in place, with a firm plan for renovations, before the 90 day closing process is complete. She says the short time frame between now and the end of April may not be sufficient to convince them David Stoddard will be renovated and ready by September, and they don't want to be left without an adequate school for these young students.

"We will have StrongStart and pre-school on site as well -- everything is moving over. We'd feel really confident if we knew all the funding was there and in place," said Dyck, adding that they do understand the reasoning for the closure, but there remains a lot of work on the school that needs to be implemented by the fall of this year….