Does decent child care only mean moms must stay tied to apron strings
Cariboo Press - Kelowna Capital News
October 28, 2008
Opinion by Patricia Bradley, Kelowna

To the editor:

Re: Letter to the editor from Mel Wilde, Sunday, Oct. 20 Capital News: Some Voted for Common Decency.

Mr. Wilde's letter included a statement which read, "we believe that those who want more tax dollars for child care should remember that the best child care is parenting."

I wonder if Mr. Wilde's comments were directed to working mothers? If this is the case, may I remind Mr. Wilde that if every working mother in this city, or province, or even the country, stopped work for just one day, it would have a devastating effect.

Working mothers work in every type of employment.

They are your waitress, the chef, the doctor, the x-ray technician.

They are the engineers, the technicians, the teachers, the librarians, the politician and the heavy machine operators.

They clean hotels, motels, hospitals, care homes. They are nurses, hospice workers, they work in factories, they fight fires and on and on and on.

And the one thing these working women need is good, licensed, government subsidized daycare.

Working mothers are good people, Mr. Wilde, and our Canada should take very good care of its children and their working mothers.