'Tiresome' parents still awaiting child care
Vancouver Courier
October 15, 2008
By: Linda Wheeler, Vancouver

To the editor:

Re: "So where's the child care the Liberals promised?" Oct. 8.

If early learning and child care is truly Fiona Hughes' top priority in the upcoming federal election, then she will want to consider this. The "tiresome and repetitive" Jack Layton's NDP team led the way in Parliament, introducing and achieving a passed second reading for the Early Learning and Child Care Act--legislation to finally establish licensed child care as a national program governed by the principles of quality, accessibility, affordability, and universality. Now we need to vote for candidates who will keep up the pressure to ensure this important initiative passes final reading and becomes law.

As Jack Layton and every parent knows, being tiresome, or rather tireless and repetitive, is sometimes just what we need to get the job done!