Child care is good investment
Times Colonist (Victoria)
October 7, 2008
By: Michelle Kirby

Re: "Opposition's promises costly," Oct. 5.

Universal childcare programs provide an excellent return on investment. In Quebec, there was a 40-per-cent immediate return the year following the start of its program of affordable ($7 a day or $140 a month), quality child care. That money rolled back into the government because parents were able to return to work and paid income tax. The program also reduced Quebec's child poverty rate and raised the average wage for women.

In a province like B.C., where we've had the highest child poverty rate in the country for five years, we should be doing what it takes to rid ourselves of this shameful label.

Children in B.C. deserve quality care from well-paid, well-supported child care providers. I am celebrating that the Liberals, the NDP and the Green party have all committed to quality, affordable, accessible community-based child care.

There is also a long-term return on investment of $2 saved in future social spending for every $1 spent on quality child care.

We spend the least of all the OECD countries on child care, and it's time we did something about it. We need a government that is willing to invest in the long-term future of Canada.