Childcare centres take advantage of new provincial gov't program
The Delta Optimist
Sandor Gyarmati
October 4, 2008

A childcare centre opened its doors in East Ladner thanks to a provincial initiative.

Bright Eyes…, located in what used to be a boarded-up house on the grounds of Holly Elementary, opened in September. It offers a pair of programs for infants and toddlers as well as kids between three and five years of age.

"There isn't any infant and toddler programs in Ladner, so that was our ticket. Having it attached to a thee-to-five group program means kids can advance in the next age group in the same centre," said owner and director….

Also operating a licenced pre-school out of …Elementary, …said she took advantage of a new provincial program that offers funding to create more childcare spaces.

"The province opened up the opportunity for the private sector to apply for government funding to open up new spaces in October of 2007…. In the past, it would strictly be for non-profit organizations," she said.

…. Bright Eyes received almost $215,000 for 32 new spaces while Rainbow Connection ….Elementary received $45,000 for 40 new spaces.

Benjamin said the funding enabled her to get a lease from the Delta school district for the house on 62nd Street and undertake extensive renovations.

The major capital funding was made available to all child-care providers -- non-profit organizations, private sector and licenced family childcare providers….