Kid friendly climate
The Grand Forks Gazette
July 30, 2008
Letters To The Editor by: Fatima Faria Executive Director, Sunshine Valley Child Care Society

Editor, The Gazette:

Sunshine Valley Child Care Society received our first generous climate action dividend donation of $100 from ….Thank you so much for your kind donations!

Child care, mostly organized by non-profits, charitable societies and caring home-makers, has been one of the many under-funded societal concerns for many decades.

We struggle to keep child care affordable yet the cost is still a huge burden for families striving to make ends meet. The fees we charge do not entirely cover the costs of providing our quality programs so we depend on charitable donations, community and government grants to enhance our programs and keep our much-needed services running.

If we pool our resources we will see our youngest citizens well fed, physically and emotionally fit and they will grow to be loving and caring individuals educated by the play of joyous life in action.

….The contributions of children in daily life meant harvesting rhubarb, the "first fruit" of the season, shucking peas for hours, helping can for winter and fishing for supper and so much more.

These men are examples of the generous spirit in our community and the product of purposeful endeavours shared by all ages in daily life….