Classrooms approved for daycares
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Times
July 18, 2008
By: Maria Rantanen

Eighteen classrooms in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows elementary schools have been approved for daycare use by the school district and if all the applications materialize into contracts, daycare spaces will be opening in 11 schools.

The school district put out a request for proposals this spring and received 31 applications requesting 50 classrooms. The district took into consideration programs, fees, salaries, accessibility and the ability of the school to house the program and narrowed the applications down to 11.

The next step is for the operators to get approval from Fraser Health and the municipality, and then draw up a contract with the school district….

The private daycare will charge $950 for infants aged birth to 24 months, and $895 for toddlers aged two to three, which manager ...said are competitive fees…

The school district will charge an annual rent of about $10,000 per classroom, which one operator considering coming into the district - the Port Coquitlam Daycare Society - felt would make child care unaffordable for families….