Right-wing rule means rich gain while poor pay
Times Colonist (Victoria)
May 3, 2008
Comment By: Michael Hayes

So, the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing in Canada. Surprise, surprise.

Even a superficial review of political history shows that the rich always get richer under "conservative" administrations, and the poor pay for it….

Look at our own province. We have the highest rate of child poverty in Canada. The gap between rich and poor is greater here than in more than three-quarters of the other provinces.

A review of tax breaks and "gifts" handed out by the B.C. Liberal (in name only) government shows that the wealthy have benefited far more than the middle or lower classes. One only has to look at the homeless on our streets, the wait-lists for child care spaces, the line-ups at our hospitals or the crisis in seniors' care to know that those who can pay get services and those who cannot, stand in line, or worse.

No one should be surprised that the pattern is repeating itself under the Harper Conservatives….