Mayor hosts forum on childcare situation
Nelson Daily News
07 Apr 2008

NELSON -- Mayor John Dooley in partnership with the Nelson Early Childhood Advisory Council is hosting a forum open to the public to address the growing childcare crisis in our community.

Employers are increasingly experiencing difficulty hiring and retaining employees due to the lack of childcare available for families. Parents report an inability to work or attend an educational institute because there is simply no where to leave their children. Some parents have had to quit or refuse well paid positions because they can either not find childcare or childcare arrangements have fallen through. Many children are being shipped to a number of childcare situations because there is no consistent care offered.

The forum is an invitation for interested individuals including municipal business and community leaders to learn more about how childcare affects the economic development of our community, impacts the recruitment and retention of employees and affects a family's decision to relocate to the community. Discussion with a focus on other vital information about childcare and how it promotes school readiness and improved health outcomes will also be included. …