Tory Story; If no one wants a spring election, why are parties behaving as though they do?
The Daily News (Kamloops)
February 22, 2008
By: Mike Youds


… "The easiest way to sum it up is that everything we promised, we delivered," the MP said.


The Tories have weathered widespread criticism over their social and environmental policies. Their universal child-care payment of $100 a month per child under six has been attacked as a pale substitute for universal child care. A Tory program to encourage the private sector to create child-care spaces was a complete flop, yielding not a single new space.

"What a horrible misrepresentation of universal child care that is," said local NDP candidate Michael Crawford. "The $100 a month is inadequate, but they've also failed to generate the number of required day-care spaces across the country."…