Child-care strategy will offer results for long term
Times Colonist (Victoria)
February 17, 2008
Letters By: Ron Faris, Golden Horizon Ventures

Congratulations on your editorial that supports implementation of a province-wide early learning and child-care strategy. (Feb. 14.)

In our region such a strategy would meet two major challenges: A growing shortage of skilled workers that will be devastating if young working mothers cannot be assured that quality child care will be provided and the lack of affordable housing that requires both partners to work if they are to have a hope of buying a home.

There are many socio-economic benefits to quality early leaning and child care. A scientific study recently revealed that for every dollar invested in quality child care a benefit of over $16 is returned.

Compared to a control group which received no child care those who had received a quality program had, over 40 years, significantly lower rates of unemployment, welfare benefits, drug (including alcohol) addiction, divorce and criminal convictions. The quality child care group had greater educational attainment, higher salaries,and better health than the group without child care. The benefits increase with age and last a lifetime.

Dr. Fraser Mustard, a Canadian expert, estimates that the billions of dollars expended because of behavioural and mental health problems could be halved with adequate early learning programs.

Little wonder that local MP Denise Savoie's Bill C-303 (the Early Learning and Child Care Act), is gaining increasing support. It is a flexible bill that enables family-based child care that is certified by provincial governments. It would ensure that parents have the option of safe, affordable, quality public child care.