Throne speech calls on B.C. citizens to halt global warming
CBC - The Canadian Press
February 12, 2008

… B.C.'s first aboriginal Lieutenant-Governor, Steven Point, delivers the speech from the throne on Tuesday.

The speech that sets the political agenda for Premier Gordon Campbell's Liberal government also includes plans to restore public faith in the justice system, expand mental health services and examine whether all-day kindergarten should be provided for those as young as three….

On education, Point said the government plans to establish an Early Childhood Learning Agency that will assess changes to kindergarten education.

The agency will examine the feasibility and costs associated with fullday kindergarten for five-year-olds. Kindergarten is currently only for a half day.

The agency will also study providing parents with daylong kindergarten for four-year-olds by 2010, and for three-year-olds by 2012.