'Front door' not enough
Cowichan Valley Citizen
November 16, 2007
Opinion By: Trudy Thorgeirson

Dear Editor:

Re: Letter to the Editor 'MP against good stuff: Elley'

The Federal Government had a big surplus last year. It would have been nice to use it for some really 'good stuff.' A big increase in health care, child care, or education would have been really good. Some federal help with pharmacare would have been very good too. Some of that surplus could be made available for families of military personnel …. A 1 per cent decrease in GST is good stuff for someone buying a $60,000 car. Not so good for a family in the most needy level -- of course every bit helps -- even $100 a year. How come such a rich country has so many food banks? Perhaps something to help there.

Yes -- it is good stuff for corporations. I'm sure they are a little bit happy -- probably would like more though.

MPs must vote on the whole budget -- 'good stuff,' 'not so good,' and some 'not at all good' stuff. It's not a good idea to vote for a new front door if it means having to sell your house.