Selling our soul for 'tax relief'
The Daily News (Kamloops)
November 3, 2007
Opinion By: Garry Worth

…. Harper is on record as saying "all taxes are bad" and when he was head of the National Citizens Coalition he often quoted their motto "more freedom through less government."

In other words, reduce taxes, reduce the role of government and let the free market reign.

But first they have to convince Canadians that we are over taxed. They have very cleverly done that by reframing the issue to "tax relief," which suggests that taxes are an affliction that has to be relieved.

Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. Taxes are the means to invest in the social and economic infrastructure that has historically been the heart and soul of Canada, making ours one of the most desirable countries in the world in which to live.

The loss of billions of dollars from federal tax cuts last year, compounded by further "tax relief" this year, has cost us a national child care program, a national pharmacare program and cuts to literacy, women's and First Nations programs across the country.

Canadians consistently say they do not want tax cuts as a result of surpluses.

We would rather see that money spent on medicare, education, elimination of poverty and the environment.

But once again, Harper in his draconian assault on government revenue reveals his contempt for what Canadians want and for what generations of Canadians have built.

With an election looming every day Parliament sits, a tax-cutting agenda will be advanced as the panacea for all that ails us.

We need to remind Harper by saying "no more" to tax cuts that benefit a few at the expense of the economic security and well-being of all Canadians.