Childcare too costly for families
Victoria News
Cadence Nelson
Oct 17 2007

Re: On the run for day care (News, Oct. 10)

I agree with Gwen Bennett’s and Shelagh Germyn’s opinions on the childcare system.

The fees are much too high for the average working parent to keep up with. I say this as a big sister who’s little sister attends The Cridge Center and who’s mother is working more than she should have to keep up with fees.

Childcare is putting a large amount of stress on most hard-working families budgets, let alone the parents that, for one reason or another, are unable to work.

I have admiration of Germyn for her to act on this matter. If I could, I would be making the trip with her.

If many communities got together and did something like a walk or event to raise awareness in this matter, it would make a huge difference.