$20-million in child-care funds withheld, NDP says
The Canadian Press – Globe and Mail
September 27, 2007

Victoria -- The NDP is accusing the B.C. government of holding back $20-million in child-care funds while waiting lists grow around the province.

Opposition critic Claire Trevena says families continue to suffer while the money sits in the bank.

Not so, says Linda Reid, Minister of State for Childcare.

She says $40-million was allocated in additional child-care funding over three years -- the first $20-million was handed out to child-care organizations in February while $10-million will be put into the field next February and the remaining $10-million will be spent in February, 2009.

Ms. Reid said the money is being held in an interest-bearing account for future disbursement.

Ms. Reid said that the NDP is "sensationalizing what is a pretty standard accounting practice."