Revelstoke has best early learning record in BC
Cariboo Press -- Revelstoke Times Review
12 Sep 2007

A detailed study of Early Childhood development across British Columbia shows that Revelstoke has the least vulnerable children in the province.

The study by the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) -- an inter- disciplinary network of researchers from six BC universities -- was conducted using data gathered in 2007 by the Ministry of Education. ..

It showed that just 12 per cent of Revelstoke children could be considered vulnerable.

"What this tells me is that we have a community that really values children, " School District 19 Chairman Alan Chell said.

Time and again educators and the community's early childhood learning and family literacy agencies have shown that children "are more important to them than budgets or getting into the limelight."

"This is a community that welcomes children," Chell said. "It often shows up in ways that are small but that add up." ..

The next school district with the least vulnerable population of young children was West Vancouver with 18.9 per cent of children regarded as vulnerable. Arrow Lakes came in third with 19 per cent of children deemed vulnerable. The worst districts were Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte with 51.9 and Gold Trail with 54.1.